Sign up for our free investor club. Notifications of new opportunities are sent out first to our investment club members.
As it can change according to the company plan and market conditions, all of our deals are underwritten for a five-year hold.
It usually ranges from $25k to $50k, though it can change based on the agreement.
Sure, our funds in the Solo 401(k) and self-directed IRA are accepted. For support, please contact us if you are unsure and your account qualifies.
Profits from the property’s quarterly cash flow are distributed to investors.
After selecting us to become a partner, you can begin identifying opportunities by becoming a member of our investor club. An offering memorandum sent to potential investors describes the target property types, markets, and expected returns of the fund. Besides providing funds, investors also fill out the investment paperwork. Every quarter, investors receive investment updates and profit checks.
You can use this website’s contact page to schedule a call or send us a message.